.. _scise_cxsys2: ======================================================================================= Configure and run a simplified cortical circuit with the CxSystem2 simulation framework ======================================================================================= CxSystem2 is a simulation framework for cortical networks which uses |brian2| as main simulation backend. Simulations can be run in native Python code, which is most productive for development and small circuits. For longer and heavier simulations CxSystem2 supports automatic compilation to a c++ device. For very long single model simulations you can also use |genn| device which allows GPU-acceleration. In the BSP we provide a user-friendly GUI to configure and run simplified cortical circuits, visualize and download the simulation results. In order to run the tool in your own Collab, please go to the |sc_uc| Use Case list, click on the *Configure and run a simplified cortical circuit with the CxSystem2 simulation framework* panel and follow the instructions provided in the :ref:`working-with-collabs` section of this Guidebook. The CxSystem2 includes Neurodynlib, a set of jupyter notebooks, which allows the exploration of single-neuron models behavior before incorporating them into a network. The jupyter notebooks are publicly available in this |jnotebooks| under the |jntutorial| item. In order to learn how to use this Use Case, please refer to the following |cxsys2_tutorial|. A complete documentation on CxSystem2 can be found |cxsys2_rtd|. The CxSystem2 code is available on |cxsys2_code|. .. |brian2| raw:: html Brian .. |genn| raw:: html GeNN .. |jnotebooks| raw:: html collab .. |jntutorial| raw:: html Tutorial .. |cxsys2_rtd| raw:: html here .. |cxsys2_tutorial| raw:: html tutorial .. |cxsys2_code| raw:: html github .. |sc_uc| raw:: html Small Circuit In Silico Experiments