Job Delete/Cancel ================= ========================== All the requests reported below must be appended to the service endpoint: **** The allowed HPC string values are: * pizdaint * nsg The allowed Project string values are: * bsp_pizdaint_01 * bsp_nsg_01 ========================== Deleting a job from a HPC system is perfomed through a **DELETE** request removes all the output files and related info concerning that job, on the HPC. Canceling a job is also performed throuh a **DELETE** request and allows to cancel a job before it is terminated. In this case, the user's resources which have not been used will be restored. **URL: /jobs/**\ *(string: hpc)*\ **/**\ *(string: project_name)*\ **/**\ *(string: job_id)*\ **/** **Required Headers:** * Authorization: .. code:: Authorization: Bearer **Example:** * *Delete a job* **Example Request** .. code:: DELETE /jobs/nsg/bsp_nsg_01/NGBW-JOB-NEURON75_TG-E1B7ADD55CB54F1B9468EEEDFE9F6A64 HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer Token **Example Response** .. code:: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { u'end_date': u'2019-03-26T16:45:24Z', u'failed': False, u'id': 2, u'init_date': u'2019-03-20T16:44:36Z', u'job_id': u'NGBW-JOB-NEURON75_TG-E1B7ADD55CB54F1B9468EEEDFE9F6A64', u'owner': u'306328', u'project': 1, u'project_hpc': u'NSG', u'project_name': u'bsp_nsg_01', u'runtime': 0.5, u'stage': u'DELETED', u'terminal_stage': True, u'title': u'a job title' } **Example:** * *Cancel a job* **Example Request** .. code:: DELETE /jobs/nsg/bsp_nsg_01/NGBW-JOB-NEURON75_TG-E1B7ADD55CB54F1B9468EEEDFENEHCJ7 HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer Token **Example Response** .. code:: HTTP/1.1 200 OK { u'end_date': u'2019-03-26T16:45:24Z', u'failed': False, u'id': 54, u'init_date': u'2019-03-20T16:44:36Z', u'job_id': u'NGBW-JOB-NEURON75_TG-E1B7ADD55CB54F1B9468EEEDFENEHCJ7', u'owner': u'306328', u'project': 1, u'project_hpc': u'NSG', u'project_name': u'bsp_nsg_01', u'runtime': 0.5, u'stage': u'CANCELED', u'terminal_stage': True, u'title': u'a job title' }