Job Submission ============== The Job Submission APIs allow to submit a job to an HPC system. ========================== All the requests reported below must be appended to the service endpoint: **** The allowed HPC string values are: * pizdaint * nsg The allowed Project string values are: * bsp_pizdaint_01 * bsp_nsg_01 ========================== To submit a Job through the Service Account you must specify the HPC and optionally the project name. If no project is specified, the default project is selected. **URL: /jobs/**\ *(string: hpc)*\ **/**\ *(optional string: project_name)*\ **/** **Required Headers:** * Authorization: .. code:: Authorization: Bearer * Content-Disposition .. code:: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename= * Payload: .. code:: Payload { "command": "", only for Pizdaint "tool": "", only for NSG "node_number": "", "core_number": "", "runtime": "", "title": "" } **Examples:** * *Submit job into HPC's default project* **Example Request** .. code:: POST /jobs/pizdaint/ HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer Token Content-Disposition: attachment; Payload: { "command": "ls -lisa", "node_number": "2", "core_number": "6", "runtime": "2.0", "title": "a job title" } **Example Response** .. code:: HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json { "end_date": None, "failed": False, "id": 80, "init_date": "2019-02-10T22:40:01Z", "job_id": "AF17D39A-9E15-4FE3-9F84-0EAEB4CC94AA", "owner": "306328", "project": 2, "project_hpc": "PIZDAINT", "project_name": "bsp_pizdaint_01", "runtime": 2.0, "stage": "QUEUED", "terminal_stage": False "title": "a job title" } * *Submit a job into a specific HPC's project* **Example Request** .. code:: POST /jobs/nsg/bsp_nsg_01/ HTTP/1.1 Authorization: Bearer Token Content-Dispostion: attachment; Payload: { "tool": "NEURON74_TG", "node_number": "2", "core_number": "6", "runtime": "2.0", "title": "a job title" } **Example Response** .. code:: HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/json { "end_date": None, "failed": False, "id": 81, "init_date": "2019-02-10T22:46:19Z", "job_id": "NGBW-JOB-NEURON75_TG-85CB59F5CD5A4FBCBCBA5DABCC420280", "owner": "306328", "project": 1, "project_hpc": "NSG", "project_name": "bsp_nsg_01", "runtime": 0.5, "stage": "QUEUE", "terminal_stage": False, "title": "a job title" }